Aloe Vera Care

Aloe Vera Care: The Complete Guide to Growing and Caring for These Healing Plants

Aloe vera is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in the world. This succulent is easy to grow and has amazing health and beauty benefits.

An Introduction to Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. There are over 500 species of Aloe, but Aloe barbadensis miller is the most cultivated species for commercial use.

Key Facts about Aloe Vera
Native regions:Aloe vera plants are native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. They thrive in hot, dry climates.
Nutrient-rich gel:The gel inside Aloe leaves consists of over 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, and 200 active enzymes, making it a treasure trove of healing properties.
Healing properties:Aloe gel contains antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties, helping treat burns, wounds, skin issues, and other health problems.
Cosmetic industry use:The cosmetic industry extensively uses Aloe vera in skincare products due to its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects.
Low maintenance houseplants:Aloe vera plants are low maintenance, making them ideal houseplants. They also purify indoor air by producing oxygen at night.

succulent with orange flowers Aloe marlothii (Mountain Aloe) Cactus

Choosing and Buying an Aloe Vera Plant

To choose an Aloe Vera plant, find the healthiest and most vibrant one available. This section will go over the different types of Aloe Vera, where to find them, and what to look for when choosing your perfect plant.

Different Species of Aloe Vera

There are over 500 species of Aloe plants, but only a few are used for their nutritional and medicinal value. Some of the most common are:

  • Aloe Barbadensis Miller: The most popular variety, used in many health and beauty products. Has light green leaves with white spots.

  • Aloe Arborescens: A large shrub with dark green leaves. Has excellent wound healing properties.

  • Aloe Ferox: Known as Cape Aloe, this species has reddish flowers and spiny leaves. Used to make laxatives.

  • Aloe Vera: Technically the same as Aloe Barbadensis. Bright green succulent with thick, fleshy leaves.

When selecting an Aloe, look for plump leaves with a vivid green color. The more intense the color, the higher the chlorophyll and nutrient content.

Aloe Vera

Where to Buy Aloe Vera Plants

Aloe plants are available at most garden stores, nurseries, and big box stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s. For the best selection, visit local plant nurseries or specialty stores focused on succulents and cacti.

Buying from reputable online stores like Etsy can also give you access to rare Aloe varieties. Look for sellers with plenty of good reviews and clear policies on shipping and returns.

What to Look for When Selecting an Aloe Plant

Here are the key things to check when picking out an Aloe Vera plant:

  • Thick, fleshy leaves: Mature plants should have plump, juicy leaves versus thin, curled up leaves which indicate a lack of nutrients and water.

  • Pups or offshoots: Small baby Aloe plants sprouting from the base mean your plant is healthy and ready for propagation.

  • Firm roots: Gently remove the plant from its pot to inspect the roots. They should be white, firm and plump, not brown or mushy.

  • Pest free: Examine the leaves, stems and roots closely for any bugs, webs, or sticky residue. Pick pest-free plants only.

  • Proper potting: Avoid plants in too-small pots as they are often root bound. There should be some room for growth.

  • Good drainage: Check that the pot has adequate drainage holes at the bottom so the roots won’t get waterlogged.

Following these tips will help you select the highest quality Aloe Vera plant that is ready to thrive in your home or garden. Taking the time to properly inspect each plant will ensure you get one that lives a long and healthy life.

Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe juvenna)

Planting Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera thrives when given the right planting conditions. This section will cover everything you need to know about how to plant Aloe Vera successfully.

Choosing the Right Pot

Picking the appropriate pot or planter is crucial for Aloe Vera to grow well.

  • Drainage: The pot must have holes at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out freely. Aloe Vera hates sitting in soggy soil.

  • Material: Terracotta or ceramic pots work best as they allow air flow to the roots. Avoid using non-porous materials like plastic that retain moisture.

  • Size: Choose a pot that is only 2-3 inches wider than the current container so the plant is not overpotted. A too-large pot can lead to root rot.

  • Shape: Select a squat, wide pot over a tall, narrow one. The shallow shape prevents water from pooling at the bottom around the roots.

The Right Soil Mix

Aloe Vera needs fast-draining soil to prevent overwatering. Here are some soil tips:

  • Use a cactus potting mix or make your own mix with half potting soil and half perlite or coarse sand.

  • You can also amend regular potting soil with gravel, small pebbles or lava rocks to improve drainage.

  • Avoid regular garden soil or any mix that has poor drainage and retains a lot of moisture.

succulent with orange flowers Candelabra Aloe (Aloe arborescens)

Step-by-Step Planting Instructions

Follow these steps when potting your Aloe Vera plant:

  • Fill the pot with soil mix up to 2-3 inches from the rim. Pack it down lightly.

  • Gently remove the Aloe plant from its old pot. Loosening the roots if they are heavily bound.

  • Place the plant in the new pot. Ensure the base sits slightly above the soil line.

  • Fill in around the roots and base with more soil mix, pressing gently to anchor it.

  • Water thoroughly until it drains from the bottom. Allow excess water to drain away before placing the pot in its new location.

Where to Grow Aloe Vera

Aloe thrives best in bright, indirect sunlight. Ideal indoor spots are south or west-facing windowsills. Outdoors, plant it in partial shade protected from intense afternoon sun.

Avoid growing Aloe Vera in cold climates below 40°F.Following this comprehensive planting guide will give your Aloe Vera the healthy start it needs to grow and flourish.

succulent with orange flowers Aloe Ferox (Bitter Aloe)

Sunlight Requirements for Aloe Vera

Providing the right amount of sunlight is crucial for Aloe Vera plants to thrive. This section covers optimal sunlight conditions and troubleshooting issues related to improper sunlight.

Ideal Sunlight Conditions

Aloe Vera does best in bright, indirect sunlight for 4-6 hours daily. Too much harsh light can scorch the leaves, while too little sunlight causes leggy, weak growth.Indoors:

  • Place the Aloe pot near a sunny, south or west-facing window. East-facing windows may not provide enough afternoon sun.

  • Use sheer curtains or blinds to filter intense midday sun that can burn the leaves.

  • Turn the plant periodically so all sides get even sunlight exposure for balanced growth.


  • Grow Aloe Vera in partial shade, protected from direct hot afternoon sun.

  • Look for spots that receive morning sun but are shaded during the brightest parts of the day.

  • Shelter the plant from harsh winds, which can dry out the leaves faster.

Signs of Insufficient Sunlight

If an Aloe Vera plant doesn’t get enough sun, it will show these symptoms:

  • Paler, light green leaves compared to the deeper green of a healthy plant.

  • Leaves growing further apart with more space between them.

  • Plant growing tall and leggy as it reaches for light.

  • Slow growth or smaller, thinner leaves.

  • Flower stalks not developing properly.

Effects of Excessive Sunlight

Too much direct sun can easily damage Aloe Vera plants:

  • Leaves turning brown or yellow with scorched, crispy edges.

  • White spots or patches on the leaves, especially on the topside.

  • Dry, shriveled leaves that feel soft and limp.

  • Stunted growth.

  • Damaged leaf tips that turn brown.

Adjusting Sunlight for Optimal Growth

If your Aloe Vera shows signs of insufficient sunlight, move it to a brighter location like a south-facing window.

Acclimate it gradually over 2-3 weeks to prevent leaf sunburn. If the leaves show sun damage, provide shade using curtains or move the pot to a spot with indirect morning/evening sun only.

Damaged parts of leaves can be trimmed off. Getting the perfect sun exposure takes some trial and error. Observe your plant closely and adjust the lighting as needed until the Aloe Vera is thriving.

Watering Aloe Vera

Proper watering is crucial for keeping Aloe Vera plants healthy. Understanding their water needs and sticking to a suitable watering schedule will prevent issues like rot, shriveling leaves, and root damage.

How Often to Water

Aloe Vera should be watered infrequently but deeply. The key is allowing the soil to completely dry out before watering again.

  • During spring and summer, water 1-2 times per month.

  • In fall and winter, reduce watering to once every 6-8 weeks.

  • In very hot climates, plants may need water every 2-3 weeks in summer.

  • In cool or humid environments, water even less frequently, up to once every 2 months.

Watering Methods

  • Water slowly and deeply, until water drains freely from the drainage holes at the bottom. This ensures the entire root zone is hydrated.

  • Avoid frequent, light sprinklings of water which only wet the surface. This encourages shallow roots prone to drying out.

  • Water in the morning, so the leaves have time to dry out fully before nighttime, preventing rot.

  • Bottom-watering by placing pots in a sink/tub of water for 15-30 minutes can help hydrate rootbound plants.

How Much to Water

  • In summer, aim to deliver about 1-2 cups of water per watering session. In winter, 1 cup is sufficient.

  • Larger pots and plants will need more water, while smaller pots require less. Adjust amounts based on pot size.

  • Always pour off any excess water in the saucer so the pot is not left sitting in water.

Signs of Underwatering

  • Leaves feeling soft and deflated.

  • Leaves curling inward and taking on a shriveled, wrinkled look.

  • Yellowing lower leaves.

  • Slow growth and smaller new leaves.

  • Fine roots shriveled and dried out.

Signs of Overwatering

  • Soft, mushy leaves that feel waterlogged.

  • Leaves turning brown or black from the base up.

  • Foul odor from rotting roots and base.

  • White fungal growth on the soil surface or lower stems.

  • Drooping and wilting leaves that don’t firm up when watered.

To keep your Aloe Vera healthy and growing well, follow these watering guidelines carefully. Adjust the frequency and amounts based on the season, climate, and plant size.

Repotting Aloe Vera

Repotting Aloe Vera is an important part of caring for these plants long-term. It should be done every 2-3 years to refresh the soil and give the plant room to grow. Follow this step-by-step guide for successfully repotting your Aloe.

When to Repot

Repot Aloe Vera in early spring before the growing period begins. Signs it needs repotting include:

  • Roots filling up the entire pot and appearing at the drainage holes.

  • Stunted growth and smaller new leaves.

  • Plant becoming top heavy and unstable in the pot.

  • Poor drainage with waterlogged soil taking a long time to dry out.

Choosing the Right Pot

  • Select a pot just 1-2 inches wider than the current one so the plant is not overpotted.

  • Make sure the new pot has drainage holes to prevent standing water.

  • Terracotta and ceramic pots allow better air circulation to the roots versus plastic pots.

The Repotting Process

Follow these steps for repotting Aloe Vera:

  • Water the plant 2-3 days before repotting to make removal easier.

  • Remove the plant from its old pot and gently loosen any heavily tangled roots.

  • Prune off any dead, rotting, or damaged roots using sterilized scissors.

  • Fill the new pot about 1/3rd with fresh well-draining potting mix.

  • Place the plant in the new pot and fill in around it with more soil.

  • Pack the soil down lightly with your hands to anchor the plant.

  • Water sparingly just to settle the soil. Wait 2 weeks before resuming normal watering.


  • Place the repotted plant in bright indirect light while it recovers from transplant shock.

  • Hold off on fertilizing for a month after repotting.

  • Inspect the drainage holes to ensure excess water flows out freely.

Taking the time to periodically repot Aloe Vera will keep your plant healthy and thriving for years to come.

Fertilizing Aloe Vera

While Aloe Vera is not a heavy feeder, applying fertilizer occasionally during the growing season can promote healthy growth. Use the right type of fertilizer at the correct dosage to avoid issues like fertilizer burn.

When to Fertilize

Fertilize Aloe Vera plants 2-3 times during the active growing months of spring through summer. Avoid fertilizing in fall and winter when growth slows down.

Types of Fertilizers

  • Balanced liquid fertilizers: Use a houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-3 months. Look for a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 NPK ratio.

  • Succulent fertilizers: These are specially formulated for cacti and succulents, with lower nitrogen levels. Apply monthly according to instructions.

  • Slow release granular fertilizer: Sprinkle over the soil in spring and it will provide a gradual nutrient release for 3-4 months.

  • Organic fertilizers: Options like compost tea, fish emulsion, worm castings can be used instead of chemical fertilizers.

How to Apply Fertilizer

  • Always dilute liquid fertilizers to half strength before applying to prevent fertilizer burn.

  • Water the plant thoroughly a day before fertilizing to moisten the soil.

  • Apply the fertilizer solution slowly until it drains from the drainage holes below.

  • After fertilizing, flush the soil monthly with plain water to prevent salt buildup.

Signs of Fertilizer Burn

Too much fertilizer can damage and even kill Aloe Vera plants. Look for these signs:

  • Brown, dried leaf tips and margins.

  • White mineral deposits on the soil surface.

  • Slow, stunted growth.

  • Wilting, drooping leaves.

  • Leaves turning yellow or brown.

If you see fertilizer burn, immediately flush the soil with water to wash out excess salts.

Avoid fertilizing for a few months while the plant recovers. With Aloe Vera, less is more when it comes to fertilizer.

Feed sparingly with a diluted, balanced fertilizer for optimal growth without harming the plant.

Common Aloe Vera Problems and Solutions

Even when cared for properly, Aloe plants can sometimes develop issues. Identifying the problem early and taking appropriate corrective steps can restore the plant to health.


Aloe Vera is prone to infestations from common houseplant pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids. Watch out for these signs:

  • White cottony deposits on leaves or in leaf axils – likely mealybugs

  • Fine webbing on leaves – spider mites

  • Clustered colonies of green/black insects on new growth – aphids


  • Remove pests by hand or by wiping leaves with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol

  • Spray neem oil or insecticidal soap solution on both sides of leaves

  • Apply treatments weekly until pests are gone

  • Separate infected plants from healthy ones to prevent spreading

Improper Watering

Issues like rot, yellow leaves, and drooping are commonly caused by overwatering or underwatering.

Overwatering –soggy soil, transparency & mushy leaves, basal rot.

Underwatering –shriveled, wrinkled leaves, leaf drop.


  • Water only when soil is completely dry, then water deeply

  • Improve drainage by amending soil with perlite

  • Water less in winter and humid environments


Leaves turning brown or red with shriveled, dry patches indicate sun damage.Fixes:

  • Move plant to a shadier spot

  • Acclimate it slowly to increasing light levels

  • Apply shade cloth or sheer curtains to filter harsh sunlight

Nutrient Deficiencies

Signs like pale or yellowing leaves point to lack of nutrients.


  • Apply balanced liquid fertilizer at half strength every 2-3 months during growing season

  • Repot in fresh soil to replenish nutrients

  • Reduce watering as excess moisture leaches nutrients

Catching and correcting issues early keeps Aloe Vera plants healthy and thriving for years. Consistent care is key!

Propagating Aloe Vera Pups

Propagating Aloe Vera by separating the young pups or offshoots is an easy and effective way to get new plants. Follow these steps for the highest success rate:

When are the Pups Ready?

  • Monitor the base of the mother plant to spot new pups emerging from the soil.

  • Allow pups to grow to at least 1/3rd the size of the mature plant before removing them. They need well-established root systems and multiple sets of leaves to thrive on their own.

  • Larger, more mature pups have the best chance of successful propagation over smaller ones.

How to Remove the Pups

  • Water the mother plant well a few days before removing pups. This makes it easier to gently detach them.

  • Use a sharp, sterile knife or spatula to separate pups from the main plant. Insert blade into soil and cut outward at an angle around each rosette.

  • Carefully wiggle and ease the pup out, disturbing roots as little as possible. Some roots will break so be gentle.

  • Leave a few roots still connected to parent plant to reduce stress on both plants. The pups can be fully separated later.

  • Allow cuts to dry out in shade for 2-3 days before potting up to prevent infection.

Potting and Aftercare

  • Use a well-draining cactus/succulent soil mix amended with extra perlite.

  • Plant pups in small pots about 2-4 inches wide. Place in bright, indirect light.

  • Water very sparingly at first, just enough to settle soil. Gradually increase watering over a few weeks once established.

  • Feed with half-strength balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season for faster growth.

With a little practice, propagating Aloe pups is an easy way to expand your collection!


With its healing properties and low maintenance needs, Aloe vera is a wonderful plant for both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Follow this guide to ensure your Aloe plants stay healthy and thrive.

Proper care with sunlight, watering, soil and repotting will keep this succulent looking beautiful for years to come.

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